Maximizing GPS Trackers’ Battery Longevity

Without question one of the major features that people look at when selecting GPS tracking devices is battery life. For tracking systems that don’t have a hardwired connection, battery life is very important because when the battery charge is fully depleted, the tracking capability usually comes to a grinding halt. Just like any cell phone GPS devices need power communicate and receive digital information. This entry will focus on factors that impact a tracker’s battery life.

Position Refresh Rate
Perhaps the most influential factor that determines a tracking device’s battery longevity is the position update rate (or “refresh rate.”) This refers to the frequency at which the real time tracking device sends out its whereabouts to the web. Some trackers, such as the LandAirSea SilverCloud, update every few seconds. These systems tend to not to have phenomenal battery life. (Luckily, most GPS tracking solutions, including the SilverCloud, have several power options, including large capacity battery packs that usually come with matching weather proof cases). Other trackers, such as the Quantum Q-SX1 Satellite Tracker, can be set to update very infrequently. This is what allows the Q-SX1 GPS system to last for up to several years.

Amount of Time that a GPS Tracker is in Motion
Battery life is also a function of the amount of time that a real time GPS tracking device is in motion. This is because most units incorporate accelerometers, motion sensors or some other power management feature that takes into account a unit’s motion status. When motion is detected, many GPS trackers wake up and send out position updates at set intervals. When idle for some period of time, most GPS tracking systems go into a low-power standby state. By taking the two factors outlined above into account, users of GPS tracking technology can get the most out of their battery-powered tracking devices.